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During the course of your lives your protection needs are continuously changing. It is important to continually review your protection arrangements to identify what kind of personal protection you need and establish if your exitsting arrangements remain appropriate.

Life Assurance

  • Whole of Life - Provides a tax-free lump sum paid to a named beneficiary when you die.
  • Level Term - Provides a tax-free lump sum payable if you die during a specified term.
  • Decreasing Term - Provides a tax free lump sum which reduces during the term of the contract. Often used to provide protection for a mortgage.

Critical Illness

Provides a tax-free lump sum if you are diagnosed with a specified critical illness during the term of the contract. Conditions covered normally include Alzheimer's, Cancer, Heart Attack, Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke and Parkinson's Disease.

Income Protection

This type of contact is designed to provide a replacement income should you be unable to work for a prolonged period due to accident or illness.  The level of income provided and the period of time which elapses before the benefits are payable can be altered to meet your individual needs.

To talk to a Financial Adviser click here. Alternatively call us now on           01364 643003 or email us at info@claydenassociates.co.uk

Speak to Clayden Associates ... For the good of your wealth.
